Elaboration theory
"Sequencing is only important when there is a strong relationship among the topics of the course" (p. 431) "Theoretical analysis shows principles that elaborate on other principles (which provide more complexity and/or guidance on the same phenomena)" (p. 441-2) Elaboration can occur by answering several different kinds of questions, such as: What else happens? or What else can cause this? When does this cause have this effect? Which way (direction) do things change? Why do they change? How much do they change? (p. 442) For heuristic tasks, the focus is on principles, guidelines, and/or causal models that experts use to decide what to do when (rather than using a set of steps) (p. 444) Epitomizing utilizes: a whole version of the task rather than a simpler component skill; a simple version of the task; a real-world version of the task (usually); and a fairly representative (typical or common) version of the task. (p. 444) subsequent elaboration shou...